JavaScript Refresher

Published on : August 12,2022
JavaScript Refresher

Table of contents


  1.  Adding JavaScript to a Web Page
    1. Inline Script
    2. Internal Script
    3. External Script
    4. Multiple External Scripts
  2. Variables
  3. Data types
  4. Arrays
    1. How to create an empty array
    2. How to create an array with values
    3. Creating an array using split
    4. Accessing array items using index
    5. Modifying array element
    6. Methods to manipulate array
      1. Array Constructor
      2. Creating static values with fill
      3. Concatenating array using concat
      4. Getting array length
      5. Getting index of an element in an array
      6. Getting last index of an element in array
      7. Checking array
      8. Converting array to string
      9. Joining array elements
      10. Slice array elements
      11. Splice method in array
      12. Adding item to an array using push
      13. Removing the end element using pop
      14. Removing an element from the beginning
      15. Add an element from the beginning
      16. Reversing array order
      17. Sorting elements in array
    7. Array of arrays
  5. Conditionals
    1. If
    2. If Else
    3. If Else if Else
    4. Switch
    5. Ternary Operators
  6. Loops
    1. Types of Loops
      1. for
      2. while
      3. do while
      4. for of
      5. forEach
      6. for in
    2. Interrupting a loop and skipping an item
      1. break
      2. continue
    3. Conclusions
  7. Scope
    1. Window Scope
    2. Global scope
    3. Local scope
  8. Object
    1. Creating an empty object
    2. Creating an objecting with values
    3. Getting values from an object
    4. Creating object methods
    5. Setting new key for an object
    6. Object Methods
      1. Getting object keys using Object.keys()
      2. Getting object values using Object.values()
      3. Getting object keys and values using Object.entries()
      4. Checking properties using hasOwnProperty()
    7. Exercises
      1. Exercises: Level 1
      2. Exercises: Level 2
      3. Exercises: Level 3
  9. Functions
    1. Function Declaration
    2. Function without a parameter and return
    3. Function returning value
    4. Function with a parameter
    5. Function with two parameters
    6. Function with many parameters
    7. Function with unlimited number of parameters
      1. Unlimited number of parameters in regular function
      2. Unlimited number of parameters in arrow function
    8. Anonymous Function
    9. Expression Function
    10. Self Invoking Functions
    11. Arrow Function
    12. Function with default parameters
    13. Function declaration versus Arrow function
    14. Exercises
      1. Exercises: Level 1
      2. Exercises: Level 2
      3. Exercises: Level 3
  10. Higher Order Function
    1. Callback
    2. Returning function
    3. setting time
      1. setInterval
      2. setTimeout
  11. Destructuring and Spreading
    1. What is Destructuring?
    2. What can we destructure?
      1. 1. Destructuring arrays
      2. 2. Destructuring objects
    3. Exercises
    4. Spread or Rest Operator
      1. Spread operator to get the rest of array elements
      2. Spread operator to copy array
      3. Spread operator to copy object
      4. Spread operator with arrow function
  12. Functional Programming
    1. forEach
    2. map
    3. filter
    4. reduce
    5. find
    6. findIndex
    7. some
    8. every
    9. Exercises
  13. Classes
    1. Defining a classes
    2. Class Instantiation
    3. Class Constructor
    4. Default values with constructor
    5. Class methods
    6. Properties with initial value
    7. getter
    8. setter
    9. Static method
    10. Inheritance
    11. Overriding methods
    12. Exercises
      1. Exercises Level 1
      2. Exercises Level 2
      3. Exercises Level 3
  14. Document Object Model(DOM)

Categories : React JavaScript

Tags : React Js

Praful Sangani
Praful Sangani
I'm a passionate full-stack developer with expertise in PHP, Laravel, Angular, React Js, Vue, Node, Javascript, JQuery, Codeigniter, and Bootstrap. I enjoy sharing my knowledge by writing tutorials and providing tips to others in the industry. I prioritize consistency and hard work, and I always aim to improve my skills to keep up with the latest advancements. As the owner of Open Code Solution, I'm committed to providing high-quality services to help clients achieve their business goals.


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